Reduce the Temperature In Your Space with Solar Control Window Film.

By having Solar Window Film installed on your windows you can increase the comfort of your home by controlling unwanted heat gain, glare and reducing 99% of ultraviolet rays. Window film blocks up to 80% of the sun’s heat, dramatically lowering cooling costs, saving you money on your energy bill.  Not only will our Solar Control Window Film save you money on your entry bills, it will also qualify you for energy rebates.  Using a Neutral Window Film will allow you to significantly reduce the temperatures in your space, without altering the look of the building.

Don't Shut the Blinds on Your Million Dollar View With Our Dual Reflective Solar Control Window Film.

By having our Dual Reflective Solar Window Film installed on your windows, you can enjoy the comfort of your home and those hard earned views, by controlling unwanted heat gain, glare and reducing 99% of ultraviolet rays. This works by the Dual Reflective Window Film reflecting the suns energy and harsh light back away from your windows allowing you to keep your blinds open, even during the brightest of days.  Our Dual Reflective Window film improves your view at night by eliminating the glare caused by the lights inside your space, leaving you with a beautiful crisp view. While during the day our Dual Reflective Window Film will increase the privacy of your space, not allowing unwanted eyes peering in.  Our Dual Reflective Window film blocks up to 80% of the sun’s heat, dramatically lowering cooling costs, saving you money on your energy bill.  

Protect Your Windows From Vandalism with Anti Graffiti Window Film.

Graffiti Free® 600 helps prevent damage to glass from vandalism by providing a replaceable layer of protection. Graffiti Free is optically clear and can be used on the exterior or interior surface of glass. This film is highly effective at protecting surfaces from damage over time and can be readily replaced in the field. The materials used in the construction are environmentally friendly, compliant to EU RoHS regulations, REACH regulations and meets reaction to fire requirements according to EN 45545.

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