Window Films in Victoria

Smart Window Solutions

Residential Security Window Film in Victoria

Keep your home and family safe with safety and security window film.

Safety and Security Window Film Provides Passive Protection 24 Hours a Day

What are Safety and Security Window Films?

Safety and Security Window Film is your invisible line of defence. Featuring the latest technology from Madico, our Safety and Security Window Film will add a new, invisible layer of defence against break-ins, accidents and severe weather. 

Safety and security window films from Madico are available in a range of shades, finishes and thicknesses, our safety window films are designed with protection in mind. Reduce the risk with safety and security films from Madico.

Security Window Films Provide Intrusion Protection

Safety and Security Window Film is a thin, invisible, protective layer of film that makes breaking through the glass significantly more difficult. While nothing is 100%, having safety and security film professionally installed on your home or residential space will significantly reduce the chances of a perpetrator gaining access to the inside of your home. When intrusion is your main concern, we always recommend having our wet glaze attachment system installed with the film. Installing a wet glaze attachment system in conjunction with our safety and security window film will anchor the film and glass to the frame significantly reducing the ability of the perpetrator to push through and peel back the edges of the film/glass.

Security Window Films Are Great At Preventing Injury and Providing Safety

During extreme weather conditions such as high winds, storms and earthquakes, or even an explosion, the biggest risk for injury is from flying shards of glass.  

When glass breaks, our safety and security window film will help hold the shattered glass fragments together to reduce the possible hazards and injuries from flying glass. 

In buildings where the government mandates tempered glass, Madico safety and security films can bring buildings up to code requirements at costs far below those of replacing existing windows.

Protective Film

With the same idea as a screen protector for your phone or tablet, our safety and security window film will provide the perfect layer of protection for your doors and windows from scratches, scuffs, and other materials that may potentially cause damage to your glass. 

Anti-Grafitti Window Film

Anti-grafitti window film acts as a sacrificial layer of protection for the exterior of your glass. While homes are less likely to be subject to graffiti, our window films in Victoria protect your home's windows. Smart Window Solutions offers industry leading anti-grafitti window film to protect all glass surfaces that are easily accessible by the public. This sacrificial layer of film will protect your glass from permanent vandalism by utilizing a special adhesive that can be easily removed and replaced as needed at a significantly cheaper rate that replacing the entire glass unit.  

Additional Benefits of Security Window Films

In addition to installing safety and security film on glazing systems, it also can be used to protect glass tables, vending machines, retail display cases, skylights, mirrors, glass room partitions, elevators, escalators and more.

Film Thickness


Structural Component 



Multi-Ply Laminate

Breaking Strength

200 lbs. Per Inch (Width)

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